We Support and Nurture Our Parents and Children
When parents and sponsors bring children to the baptismal font, they promise to:
- nurture them in faith and prayer,
- put the Holy Scriptures in their hands,
- teach them to trust God,
- teach them the Lord’s Prayer, the Creed and the Ten Commandments,
- be an example of Christ through what we say and do,
- show them how to care for others and work for justice and peace.
As a congregation, we provide a community of support for parents in their vocation of raising children.
How We Do This
- We welcome children (including babies) to our worship services! This is the single most important act of faith formation!
- During the sermon time, one of our pastors takes the youngest children to another space, to tell the Bible story of the week which provides our theme, and to work on an activity sheet.
- We teach children songs.
- We provide Spark Story Bibles to our children.
- We prepare our children to receive Holy Communion and our youth to make their Affirmation of Baptism.
- We accompany youth to Virginia Synod youth gatherings.
- We gather for cross-generational learning events.
To see what’s coming up for children and youth, see our latest bulletin, read our newsletters, or call the office: 757-229-6688.