Spiritual Development
Weekly Chapel Time with our Pastor
Prayer before snack
Bible stories and seasonal songs
Language Development
Oral expression/listening skills
Vocabulary extension
Daily reading time
Appropriate field trips (e.g., fire station)
Physical Development
Large muscle development
Fine motor skill development
Coordination activities
Social-Emotional Development
Respect and warmth shown to each child
Cooperative play experiences
Trust in environment and adults
Develop empathy for others
Cognition, Problem Solving, and Scientific Development
Opportunities to see similarities and differences
Develop senses: see, hear, taste, smell, and touch
Use diverse materials (e.g., water, clay, objects)
Observe and care for plants and animals
Mathematical Development
Counting activities
Beginning recognition of numbers
Development of basic number concepts
Awareness of time intervals
Creative Development
Daily art classes
Exploration with wide variety of visual media
Distinguishing between fantasy and reality
Encouragement of imagination
Weekly music classes