Wednesday Weekly Words
January 5, 2022
January 6th is the Feast of Epiphany
Check out this link for a devotional for this feast day.
Wednesday Night Compline is tonight at 7:00 PM!
Click here to join us online. Passcode is: 216297. We will be using Compline for Home Worship #2, available by clicking here.
COVID Update.
We continue to monitor positivity rates in our area and lately they have been growing swiftly (Williamsburg rates tripled from Dec 25 to Jan 1). While we are not to the point of going back to virtual services, we wish to urge members to be especially vigilant and careful in the days and weeks ahead. We continue to offer live-streams of our 8:30AM worship service on our YouTube Channel as well as Zoom compline on Wednesday evenings at 7pm. Committees of the church are encouraged to consider meeting virtually if possible (feel free to contact Pastor Jon if you need help with Zoom).